
Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile for the New Year

field of keyboard keys with the LinkedIn logo with one key protruding and lit up

Welcome to 2024, a new year full of possibilities! As we begin the year, it's a good idea to evaluate and optimize your LinkedIn profile–especially if you're considering a career change.

Your LinkedIn profile is a powerful tool that can help you expand your network, make new business connections, and even find a new job. In this blog, we'll cover some essential tips and tricks to help you create a killer LinkedIn profile and stand out from the crowd.

Update Your LinkedIn Profile to Stand Out in 2024

LinkedIn profiles are essentially blank slates and, when used effectively, can help you showcase your skills and accomplishments. Don't think of your profile as just an online resume but rather a dynamic digital representation of yourself. Use this platform to show yourself off in a way that you can't in a resume.

Below, we list some key areas to focus on when updating your LinkedIn profile for the new year:

1. Use a Professional Profile Picture

Your LinkedIn profile picture is among the first things people see on your page. It's important to use a professional, high-quality photo that accurately represents you. Avoid using selfies, wedding portraits, AI-generated, or group photos, as these can appear unprofessional. Instead, choose a headshot with good lighting and a neutral background. Consider spending the money to take professional headshots and update them every 2-3 years.

2. Build Your Personal Brand

Your personal brand is how you present yourself to others both online and offline. Your LinkedIn profile is a key component of your personal brand, so make sure it accurately reflects who you are and what you have to offer. This can include showcasing your unique skills and personality, sharing valuable insights in your field, or incorporating your personal values and passions into your profile. By building a solid personal brand on LinkedIn, you can attract the right connections and opportunities that align with your goals and values.

3. Include a Background Image

Another way to elevate your LinkedIn profile is by adding a background image. This is the large banner at the top of your profile that can help showcase your personality or expertise. By default, this is a drab, blue/grey box. Graphic design sites like Canva offer free templates that can be easily customized to your liking. Choose an image that aligns with your professional brand and represents you in a positive light. Avoid using generic images or personal photos that may not be appropriate for a professional platform.

4. Craft an Engaging Headline

Your headline (also referred to as the 'tagline') is the text that appears directly below your name on your LinkedIn profile. This area is often overlooked, but it can be a powerful way to grab someone's attention and make them want to click on your profile. Use this space to showcase your current job title or industry and any relevant skills or achievements.

5. Utilize Keywords in Your Summary

Your summary (or 'About' section) is a brief overview of your professional experience and accomplishments. It's important to utilize relevant keywords in this section, as it can help your profile show up in search results when recruiters or potential connections are looking for someone with your skills and experience. We provide details on writing a compelling Summary below.

6. Optimize Your Skills Section

You can list up to 50 skills on your profile. LinkedIn also enables you to highlight at least three skills by pinning them. Therefore, prioritize the most important skills and include relevant keywords. Focus on functional key skills or hard skills that recruiters often seek while steering clear of soft skills. This will give potential employers a better idea of what you can bring to the table and make your profile stand out.

7. Keep Your Experience Section Current

Make sure to keep your work history up to date on LinkedIn. This includes your current job title, company, and relevant projects or accomplishments. Regularly updating your skills and endorsements is also a good idea, as these can help showcase your expertise.

8. Remove Outdated and Irrelevant Information

As you update your LinkedIn profile, take some time to remove any outdated or irrelevant information. This includes old job titles or skills no longer relevant to your current career goals. Keeping your profile focused and up to date will make it more effective in attracting the right connections and opportunities.

9. Remove Old Work Experience Strategically

There is much debate on how far back to show past work and education experience. Some recruiting experts suggest limiting this to 10 or 15 years at most. Older candidates may want to remove dates from their history to avoid the potential for age discrimination. Too many jobs can signal that you are not a stable employee.

Others argue that, unlike your resume, your LinkedIn profile offers unlimited real estate to help tell your story and connect you with fellow alums from schools or past jobs. You must decide what's best for you based on your personality, industry specialty, and personal brand.

10. Showcase Your Education and Certifications

If you have any relevant education, continuing education, or certifications, include them on your LinkedIn profile. This will showcase your qualifications and help establish credibility and expertise in your field.

11. Request Recommendations

Recommendations from previous colleagues or managers can add credibility to your profile and give potential connections a better understanding of your work ethic and skills. Don't be afraid to reach out and request recommendations from people you've worked with.

12. Don't Forget About Your Volunteer History

Volunteer experience can be just as valuable as work experience. Make sure to include any volunteer positions you've held, as they can demonstrate your passion and dedication outside of your professional life.

13. Regularly Update Your Profile

Finally, it's essential to regularly update your LinkedIn profile to keep it current and relevant. This can include adding new skills, updating your experience and accomplishments, or sharing industry-related content on your feed. By staying active on the platform, you'll increase your visibility and engagement with potential connections.

How To Write Your LinkedIn Summary

The LinkedIn summary, also known as the LinkedIn bio or about section, is a short piece of writing that shows up just before a LinkedIn user's job history. On LinkedIn, you can write up to 2,000 words, but only the initial three lines are visible until someone clicks 'See More.'

Since your summary is the first thing people see when they visit your profile (after your profile pic), it’s important to make a strong statement.

Here are some tips for writing an effective LinkedIn summary from HubSpot:

  1. Create a quick outline prior to writing your about section.
  2. Hook readers with a strong opener.
  3. Tell the reader why you do what you do.
  4. Speak to your industry expertise.
  5. Call out your specialties and skills.
  6. Provide data to back up your results and prove your expertise.
  7. Mention if your team is currently hiring and invite people to apply.
  8. Highlight your professional interests.
  9. Include a call-to-action with your contact information.
  10. Tip: Break up large blocks of text.

Leveraging LinkedIn

Think Like a Recruiter

Recruiters spend hours scanning LinkedIn profiles daily, looking for potential candidates and connections. By thinking like a recruiter, you can optimize your profile to stand out and catch their attention. This includes using relevant keywords, showcasing accomplishments, and having a clear and professional headshot.

Optimize Your Profile for Search

LinkedIn functions like a search engine, so it's important to optimize your profile with keywords that recruiters or potential connections may be searching for. This can include industry-related terms, skills, or job titles.

Connect with Industry Professionals

LinkedIn is not just for job searching. It's also an excellent platform for networking and connecting with other professionals in your field. Don't be afraid to reach out and connect with people you admire or want to learn from. You never know where these connections may lead and open up new opportunities for growth in your career.

Join Relevant Groups

LinkedIn groups are a great way to stay connected with others in your industry and engage in discussions on relevant topics. Joining and actively participating in groups can help you expand your network, stay updated on industry trends, and gain new insights from other professionals.

Utilize the Job Search Feature

LinkedIn also offers a job search feature where you can browse and apply for open positions directly on the platform. Make sure to update your job preferences and utilize the advanced search filter to find job opportunities relevant to your skills and interests.

Engage with Your Network

Don't just connect with people on LinkedIn and forget about them. Make an effort to engage with your connections by liking, commenting, or sharing their posts. This will strengthen your relationships and increase your visibility on the platform.

Take Advantage of LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning offers a wide range of online courses and tutorials to help you develop new skills and advance in your career. As a user, you can access these resources for free, so take advantage of them to enhance your professional profile.

BEFORE YOU START - Check Your Settings!

If you're considering a career change and don't want your current employer to know, you'll need to be sure your LinkedIn privacy settings are set correctly. This includes keeping your activity feed private and turning off notifications when updating your profile. You can also choose to hide certain information, such as connections or recommendations, from non-connections. Be sure to review and adjust these settings before updating your profile. Don’t forget to reset your privacy settings once you’ve completed your updates.

Always T-H-I-N-K Before You Update

The age-old advice, often attributed to Socrates or Plato, states that before you speak, you should ask yourself:

T - Is it True?

H - Is it Helpful?

I - Is it Inspiring?

N - Is it Necessary?

K - Is it Kind?

This advice fits surprisingly well when updating your LinkedIn profile. If your update meets all five criteria, it's likely a valuable addition to your profile. If not, it may be best to reconsider and think of more appropriate content.

Be Professional

Remember that LinkedIn is a professional networking platform, so keep the content on your profile professional. This includes using a high-quality profile picture, avoiding slang or inappropriate language, and showcasing your experience and achievements clearly and concisely. Your profile should represent you as a professional individual, so be sure to proofread for any errors or typos before publishing updates.

Review Your Profile Regularly

Reviewing your LinkedIn profile and making regular updates when necessary is essential. This can include adding new skills, updating your job experience, or showcasing recent achievements. By keeping your profile up-to-date, you can show potential employers and connections that you are actively engaged in your career and always seeking growth opportunities.

Along with adjusting your privacy settings, it's important to be cautious about the information you share on your profile. Only include relevant and appropriate content, and be mindful of any sensitive or personal information that could potentially harm your professional image. Your LinkedIn profile should be a representation of your professional brand, so make sure to protect it by being selective about what you share.

Take Charge of Your Future Today!

LinkedIn is a powerful tool for professionals to showcase their skills and connect with others in their industry. By consistently updating your profile, networking, and engaging with others, you can make the most of this platform and advance your career goals.

Updating your LinkedIn profile can significantly benefit your professional growth and success. By following these tips and utilizing the platform to its fullest potential, you can stand out from the crowd and open up new opportunities for your career.

And if you're looking for a fresh start in 2024 with a new and rewarding career, contact Oggi Talent today. We place top executives in their dream jobs through our extensive network of business partnerships, helping you find opportunities that often are not publicly advertised.

Additional Resources:

LinkedIn Profile Recommendations from LinkedIn


Q: Can I use LinkedIn for personal branding?

A: Yes, LinkedIn is a great platform for building and maintaining your personal brand as a professional. Use your profile to showcase your skills, experience, and achievements to build credibility and attract opportunities.

Q: How often should I update my LinkedIn profile?

A: It’s recommended to review and update your profile at least once every six months. However, you may want to update it more frequently if you have new skills or achievements to showcase.

Q: Is LinkedIn Learning worth it?

A: Yes, LinkedIn Learning offers a wide range of courses and tutorials to help develop your skills and advance in your career. As a member, you have access to these resources for free, making it a valuable tool for professional development. So why not take advantage of it? #LifelongLearning

Q: How can I use LinkedIn to network?

A: You can use LinkedIn to connect with other professionals in your industry and expand your professional network. Join relevant groups, engage with others through posts and comments, and attend events or conferences where you can meet potential connections in person.

Q: Can I use LinkedIn to find job opportunities?

A: Yes, LinkedIn has a job search feature where you can filter and apply for open positions. Additionally, by having an updated and professional profile, you may attract job opportunities from recruiters or employers who come across your profile.



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