
Cultivating a Powerful Employer Brand in the Era of Remote Work

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Adapting to Change: Strategies for a Strong Remote Work Culture

Remote work, at least hybrid work, is not going away anytime soon. While it doesn't fit well in every industry, it has proven to be a success for many others, giving employees more flexibility while reducing overhead costs for the employer.

One of the biggest challenges with remote work is maintaining a strong company culture and ensuring employees feel connected and engaged. This is where a powerful employer brand comes into play.

As remote work continues to become the norm, companies must adapt their employer brand strategies to stay competitive in attracting top talent.

What is an Employer Brand?

An employer brand is the perception of a company as an employer, internally among employees and externally among potential candidates. It encompasses the company's values, culture, reputation, and overall employee experience.

A strong employer brand can help attract top talent, increase employee retention and engagement, and build a positive reputation for the company.

Understanding Employer Branding

At its core, employer branding is the process of managing and influencing your company's reputation as an employer among job seekers, employees, and key stakeholders. It is the narrative thread that weaves together the perceptions and realities of what it's like to work for your organization.

In the remote work landscape, this narrative must be communicated with clarity and authenticity, bridging the physical divide with a sense of purpose and belonging.

Why is Employer Branding Important for a Positive Remote Culture?

With remote work, creating a strong sense of belonging and camaraderie among employees can be more challenging. This can lead to feelings of isolation and disengagement, leading to decreased productivity and higher turnover rates.

Having a well-established employer brand helps combat these challenges by showcasing the company's values and culture, building a sense of community among remote employees, and promoting a positive work environment.

What Does the Future Look Like for Remote Working?

According to a recent article by Forbes:

By 2025, 32.6 million Americans will work remotely.

Looking ahead, the future of remote work seems promising. According to Upwork, by 2025, an estimated 32.6 million Americans will be working remotely, which equates to about 22% of the workforce [1]. This projection suggests a continuous, yet gradual, shift towards remote work arrangements.

98% of workers want to work remotely at least some of the time.

Interestingly, workers' preference for remote work aligns with this trend. A staggering 98% of workers expressed the desire to work remotely, at least part of the time [2]. This overwhelming figure reflects the workforce's growing affinity towards the flexibility, autonomy, and work-life balance that remote work offers.

93% of employers plan to continue conducting job interviews remotely.

From the employers' perspective, the acceptance of remote work is evident as well. A remarkable 93% of employers plan to continue conducting job interviews remotely [3]. This indicates a willingness to adapt to virtual methods and signals the recognition of remote work as a sustainable option.

16% of companies operate fully remote.

About 16% of companies are already fully remote, operating without a physical office [4]. These companies are pioneers in the remote work paradigm, highlighting the feasibility of such models and paving the way for others to follow.

Building Employer Brand through Effective Communication and Connection

A recent article from The Wall Street Journal on the changing dynamics of remote work asserts that cultivating a powerful employer brand is more crucial than ever. As the article suggests, "Remote work has reformulated the concept of company culture and employee engagement," highlighting the shift toward values-driven communication and brand ideation.

Companies are not just locations but embodiments of principles and community. Translating these attributes into the digital realm is imperative to maintain and enhance an organization's reputation and attract top-tier talent.

In an age where the 'office' is as fluid a concept as ever, distinguishing your company as an employer of choice necessitates a dynamic shift in strategy. The allure of flexible working arrangements, once a coveted perk, has become standard fare.

This evolution presses upon businesses the critical task of cultivating a powerful employer brand in the tapestry of remote work—a mission pivotal to attracting and retaining top-tier talent.

Tips for Cultivating a Strong Employer Brand

Building a robust remote employer brand demands creativity, consistency, and genuine engagement. Here are several strategies for companies to consider:

  • Clearly define your company's values and culture: This is essential for creating a strong employer brand. Make sure these values align with the company's overall goals and mission.
  • Communicate regularly and effectively with remote employees: With remote work, communication is critical. Keep your remote employees informed and engaged through regular check-ins, team meetings, and virtual events.
  • Provide opportunities for virtual team building: These activities can help foster a sense of community and teamwork among remote employees.
  • Showcase employee success stories: Highlighting remote employees' accomplishments can showcase your company culture's positive impact and increase employee engagement.
  • Leverage social media: Use social media platforms to showcase your company culture, values, and remote work experience. This can help attract top talent and build brand awareness.
  • Offer attractive benefits for remote employees: Consider offering flexible schedules, remote work tools, and professional development opportunities to show that you value your remote employees.

Challenges in Remote Employer Branding

The pivot to remote work dilutes the tangibility of an office culture, stripping away the physical embodiments of a company's ethos—the spontaneous conversations, the layout of workspaces, and the communal rituals.

The lack of a shared physical space complicates how companies project their culture and values, making adopting new mediums and messages that resonate in a remote context imperative.

Case Studies and Examples

The success of a remote work culture depends on the adoption of and adherence to best practices. Several companies have excelled in this domain, such as:

  • GitLab: This all-remote company has created a vibrant culture through initiatives like virtual coffee chats, an internal podcast series, and inclusive hiring practices.
  • Buffer: Known for its transparent approach to remote work, Buffer hosts regular AMA (Ask Me Anything) sessions with their CEO and shares their internal processes openly with the public.
  • Zapier: Zapier has built a robust remote employer brand by promoting a healthy work-life balance, offering unlimited vacation time, and championing diversity and inclusion initiatives.

Adapting to these shifting trends can be a matter of survival, as detailed in these two dramatically different case studies:

Case Study: TorqueTek Solutions – Embracing the Remote Revolution

Company Background

TorqueTek Solutions (not its real name), a burgeoning software development company, swiftly adapted to the remote work wave. Thanks to its pre-pandemic investments in cloud technology and telecommunication tools, the organization was well-poised to pivot.

Challenge and Response

When the pandemic hit, TorqueTek Solutions faced the inevitable disruption with agility and an innovative spirit. Leadership quickly recognized the need to cement their employer brand in the realm of remote work.

Strategy Implementation

  • Robust Virtual Infrastructure: To foster collaboration and creativity, TorqueTek ramped up its virtual infrastructure, deploying VPN tunnels for remote workers. They also introduced virtual workspaces that simulate an office environment, complete with 'coffee chats' and 'game rooms.'
  • Culture and Connection: To maintain its vibrant company culture, TorqueTek implemented virtual town halls and 'remote work socials' that created a palpable sense of community.
  • Employee Support Programs: Understanding the challenges of remote work, the company offered flexible hours, mental health support programs, and ergonomic home office stipends.


As a result, TorqueTek retained its workforce and attracted top talent, leading to a 35% growth in the employee base and a 50% increase in productivity over the previous year.

Case Study: Brick+Mortar Inc. – The High Cost of Resistance

Company Background

Brick+Mortar Inc. (not its real name), a traditional retail management firm, was deeply entrenched in the pre-pandemic way of doing business, heavily reliant on in-person interactions and a firmly rooted office culture.

Challenge and Response

Faced with remote work mandates, Brick+Mortar's leadership failed to acknowledge the longevity of the new paradigm. The initial effort to maintain 'business as usual' led to disconnected and disillusioned employees.

Strategy Implementation

  • Delayed Technological Adoption: Lacking the necessary infrastructure, the transition to remote work was fragmented and stressful, marked by delayed communications and inefficient processes.
  • Neglected Company Culture: The absence of a structured approach to preserving company culture remotely led to a loss of camaraderie and collective purpose within the team.
  • Sidelined Employee Well-being: The company's minimal support for remote work conditions contributed to a steep decline in employee morale and work-life balance.


Within eight months, Brick+Mortar Inc. saw a 40% decline in its workforce, with employees migrating to competitors who offered more thoughtful and supportive remote work environments. This exodus severely impacted the company's talent pool, market position, and financial performance.

Measuring the Impact

The efficacy of remote employer branding efforts can be gauged through various metrics—employee engagement scores, application rates for open positions, social media reach and sentiment analysis, and employee retention rates.

These indicators provide valuable insights into how effectively the employer brand resonates with potential candidates and current staff.


In the era of remote work, a compelling employer brand is not just something nice to have; it's essential for companies aspiring to attract and nurture the best talent.

By embracing the digital realm to articulate and exemplify your brand's values and culture, you can forge meaningful connections that transcend physical boundaries.

As we advance, the principles of transparency, authenticity, and inclusivity will continue to underscore the most successful employer branding endeavors, making them not just places of work but communities of shared purpose and vision.

Oggi Talent was created to help companies navigate growth and change in employment, offering innovative solutions that strengthen their employer brand and elevate their success in a virtual world. Connect with us today to learn more about our services and how we can support your remote workforce.

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